Pay Off Student Loans and Get Up to $5,000 in Down Payment / Closing Cost Assistance with SmartBuy
Are student loans holding you back from buying a home? With SmartBuy, you can turn your dream of homeownership into reality—while tackling your student debt. This incredible program offers up to $5,000 in down payment or closing cost assistance and up to $40,000 in student loan relief, making it easier and more affordable to purchase a home in Illinois.
Why Choose SmartBuy?
Down Payment Assistance That Makes a Difference
Buying a home can feel out of reach when faced with upfront costs. That’s where SmartBuy steps in, offering up to $5,000 in down payment or closing cost assistance. This financial boost helps make your new home more affordable right from the start.
Student Loan Relief to Lighten Your Load
Say goodbye to student loan stress! With SmartBuy, you can pay off up to $40,000 in student loans at the time of closing. Imagine walking into your new home with less debt holding you back and a fresh start toward financial freedom.
Who Qualifies for SmartBuy?
SmartBuy is designed to help more Illinois residents achieve their homeownership dreams. To qualify, you’ll need to meet these simple requirements:
- House located in Illinois
- Minimum 640 credit score
- Purchase a primary residence
- Meet income and purchase price limits
- Have at least $1,000 in student loans
- Student loans must be current (or deferred)
- All student debt must be paid off at closing
Ian Milefchik
Senior Vice President
NMLS # 32990