
Making the Smart Choice: Buying vs. Renting a Home in 2018

Making the Smart Choice: Buying vs. Renting a Home in 2018

There are two very distinct paths that people take when it comes to property ownership. Some people can’t wait to buy their first home, even if it’s a tiny fixer-upper...

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What You Need to Know About Property Taxes

What You Need to Know About Property Taxes

Owning a home comes with a lot of responsibilities as well as certain recurring costs every year, one of which will be your property tax bill. This one tends to catch new homeowners by surprise, so don’t let this be the case for you! Read on to learn more...

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What is Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)?

What is Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)?

Mortgage insurance, sometimes called private mortgage insurance or PMI, is an agreement made between a lender and an insurance company in which the insurance company pays the lender...

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